Session Procedures

sys.current_sessionid()get the id of the current sys.current_sessionid();
sys.setclientinfo(property string, value string)set client value for client info property of current session. Valid property values are: ClientHostname, ApplicationName, ClientLibrary, ClientPid and ClientRemark (see also table: sys.clientinfo_properties). The client info property values will be shown when querying view sys.sessionscall sys.setclientinfo('ClientRemark', 'Test42');
sys.setmemorylimit(limit int)set query execution memory limit in MB for current session. 0 will disable any query memory sys.setmemorylimit(500);
sys.setoptimizer(optimizer string)change optimizer pipeline for current sessioncall sys.setoptimizer('minimal_pipe');
sys.setquerytimeout(timeout int)set query execution timeout in seconds for current session. 0 will disable timing sys.setquerytimeout(8);
sys.setsessiontimeout(timeout int)set session timeout in seconds for current session. 0 will disable timing sys.setsessiontimeout(30);
sys.setworkerlimit(limit int)set number of worker threads limit for current session. 0 will disable any limit of worker sys.setworkerlimit(16);

To get your current session id value run query: SELECT sys.current_sessionid();

To list allowed client info property names in your MonetDB server run query: SELECT * FROM sys.clientinfo_properties;

To list all sessions info in your MonetDB server run query: SELECT * FROM sys.sessions;. Note that this works only if you have monetdb role or an explicit select privilege.

Session procedures for admin users only

sys.setmemorylimit(sessionid int, limit int)set query execution memory limit in MB for specified session. 0 will disable any memory sys.setmemorylimit(4, 500);
sys.setoptimizer(sessionid int, optimizer string)change optimizer pipeline for specified sessioncall sys.setoptimizer(4, 'sequential_pipe');
sys.setquerytimeout(sessionid int, timeout int)set query execution timeout in seconds for specified session. 0 will disable timing sys.setquerytimeout(4, 8);
sys.setsessiontimeout(sessionid int, timeout int)set session timeout in seconds for specified session. 0 will disable timing sys.setsessiontimeout(4, 30);
sys.setworkerlimit(sessionid int, limit int)set number of worker threads limit for specified session. 0 will disable any limit of worker sys.setworkerlimit(4, 16);
sys.stopsession(sessionid int)stops the specified session. Use with sys.stopsession(4);
sys.setprinttimeout(timeout int)Print long running queries every so many minutes to log file for current session. 0 will disable print sys.setprinttimeout(6);