sys.analyze() | update sys.statistics data for all tables in all schemas. Warning: Execution could take a long time depending on the size of your database. | call sys.analyze(); |
sys.analyze(sch string) | update sys.statistics data for all tables data in schema sch. | call sys.analyze('schema_1'); |
sys.analyze(sch string, tbl string) | update sys.statistics data of table tbl in schema sch. | call sys.analyze('schema_1', 'table_1'); |
sys.analyze(sch string, tbl string, col string) | update sys.statistics data of column col in table tbl in schema sch. | call sys.analyze('schema_1', 'table_1', 'column_1'); |
sys.clearrejects() | clear the sys.rejects table from possible errors encountered from previous COPY INTO tbl FROM 'datafile.csv' ... execution | call sys.clearrejects(); |
sys.createorderindex(schm string, tabl string, col string) | create an ordered index on a specific column. The index name and location will be determined based on the schema name, table name and column name. | call sys.createorderindex('schema_1', 'table_1', 'column_1'); |
sys.droporderindex(schm string, tabl string, col string) | remove a previously created ordered index | call sys.droporderindex('schema_1', 'table_1', 'column_1'); |
sys.dump_table_data(schm string, tabl string) | generate SQL statement to dump table data into system table sys.dump_statements . | call sys.dump_table_data('sys', 'key_types'); |
sys.dump_table_data() | generate SQL statements to dump all table data of the whole database into system table sys.dump_statements . | call sys.dump_table_data(); |
sys.eval(stmt string) | evaluate and execute SQL statement provided as a string parameter. Note: This procedure is available since Jul2021 release and only for users with administrator privilege. | call sys.eval('SELECT pi();') |
sys.evalalgebra(ra_stmt string, opt boolean) | evaluate and execute algebra statement provided as a string parameter. Note: This procedure is available since ??2022 release and only for users with administrator privilege. | call sys.evalalgebra('????', true) |
sys.hot_snapshot(tarfile string) | write a snapshot (a binary copy of all data files) of the database into a (potentially very big) tar file. Optionally the tar file can be compressed by adding an extra file name suffix .lz4 or .gz or .bz2 or .xz. See HotBackup for details. | call sys.hot_snapshot('/tmp/snapshot.tar.gz'); |
sys.hot_snapshot(tarfile string, onserver boolean) | write a snapshot (a binary copy of all data files) of the database into a (potentially very big) tar file on server or on client. Optionally the tar file can be compressed by adding an extra file name suffix .lz4 or .gz or .bz2 or .xz. See HotBackup for details. | call sys.hot_snapshot('/tmp/snapshot.tar.gz', true); |
sys.querylog(filename string) | use file filename to log queries | call sys.querylog('/tmp/log.txt'); |
sys.querylog_disable() | disable logging queries | call sys.querylog_disable(); |
sys.querylog_empty() | empty the query log | call sys.querylog_empty(); |
sys.querylog_enable() | enable logging queries | call sys.querylog_enable(); |
sys.querylog_enable(threshold integer) | enable logging queries which take more time than the specified threshold | call sys.querylog_enable(200); |
sys.resume_log_flushing() | resume logging queries of a previously suspended query log | call sys.resume_log_flushing(); |
sys.shutdown(delay tinyint) | close all other client connections after delay seconds | call sys.shutdown(20); |
sys.shutdown(delay tinyint, force bool) | close all other client connections after delay seconds. If force is set, always stop the system the hard way | call sys.shutdown(20, true); |
sys.stop_vacuum(sname string, tname string, cname string) | stop vacuuming column data which is started via sys.vacuum(sname, tname, cname, interval) | call sys.stop_vacuum('test', 'orders', 'orderdate'); |
sys.storagemodelinit() | initialize the data for the storage model | call sys.storagemodelinit(); |
sys.suspend_log_flushing() | suspend logging of queries | call sys.suspend_log_flushing(); |
sys.vacuum(sname string, tname string, cname string) | vacuum column data | call sys.vacuum('test', 'orders', 'orderdate'); |
sys.vacuum(sname string, tname string, cname string, interval int) | start vacuuming column data at interval times | call sys.vacuum('test', 'orders', 'orderdate', 100); |