Atom Types

User defined atoms are specified using a small collection of C-functions. Take you inspiration from any of the pre-defined types shown below.

Color module

MODULE color;

COMMENT "Extracts blue component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.cb(X_0:color):int;
COMMENT "Extracts Cb(blue color) component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.color(X_0:str):color;
COMMENT "Converts string to color";

COMMENT "Extracts Cr(red color) component from a color atom";

COMMENT "Extracts green component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.hsv(X_0:flt, X_1:flt, X_2:flt):color;
COMMENT "Converts an HSV triplets to a color atom";

COMMAND color.hue(X_0:color):flt;
COMMENT "Extracts hue component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.hue(X_0:color):int;
COMMENT "Extracts hue component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.luminance(X_0:color):int;
COMMENT "Extracts Y(luminance) component from a color atom";

COMMENT "Extracts red component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.rgb(X_0:int, X_1:int, X_2:int):color;
COMMENT "Converts an RGB triplets to a color atom";

COMMAND color.saturation(X_0:color):flt;
COMMENT "Extracts saturation component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.saturation(X_0:color):int;
COMMENT "Extracts saturation component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.str(X_0:color):str;
COMMENT "Converts color to string";

COMMAND color.value(X_0:color):flt;
COMMENT "Extracts value component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.value(X_0:color):int;
COMMENT "Extracts value component from a color atom";

COMMAND color.ycc(X_0:int, X_1:int, X_2:int):color;
COMMENT "Converts an YCC triplets to a color atom";

Batcolor module

MODULE batcolor;

COMMENT "Extracts blue component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.cb(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:int];
COMMENT "Extracts Cb(blue color) component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.color(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:color];
COMMENT "Converts string to color";

COMMENT "Extracts Cr(red color) component from a color atom";

COMMENT "Extracts green component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.hsv(X_0:bat[:flt], X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:color];
COMMENT "Converts an HSV triplets to a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.hue(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:flt];
COMMENT "Extracts hue component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.hue(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:int];
COMMENT "Extracts hue component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.luminance(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:int];
COMMENT "Extracts Y(luminance) component from a color atom";

COMMENT "Extracts red component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.rgb(X_0:bat[:int], X_1:bat[:int], X_2:bat[:int]):bat[:color];
COMMENT "Converts an RGB triplets to a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.saturation(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:flt];
COMMENT "Extracts saturation component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.saturation(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:int];
COMMENT "Extracts saturation component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.str(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:str];
COMMENT "Identity mapping for string bats";

COMMAND batcolor.value(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:flt];
COMMENT "Extracts value component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.value(X_0:bat[:color]):bat[:int];
COMMENT "Extracts value component from a color atom";

COMMAND batcolor.ycc(X_0:bat[:flt], X_1:bat[:flt], X_2:bat[:flt]):bat[:color];
COMMENT "Converts an YCC triplets to a color atom";

Blob module

MODULE blob;

COMMAND blob.blob(X_0:blob):blob;
COMMENT "Noop routine.";

COMMAND blob.blob(X_0:str):blob;

COMMAND blob.nitems(X_0:blob):int;
COMMENT "get the number of bytes in this blob.";

COMMAND blob.toblob(X_0:str):blob;
COMMENT "store a string as a blob.";

Batblob module

MODULE batblob;

PATTERN batblob.nitems(X_0:bat[:blob]):bat[:int];

PATTERN batblob.nitems(X_0:bat[:blob], X_1:bat[:oid]):bat[:int];

Inet module

MODULE inet;

COMMAND inet.!=(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Inequality of two inets";

COMMAND inet.<(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v is less than w";

COMMAND inet.<<(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v is contained within w";

COMMAND inet.<<=(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v is contained within or is equal to w";

COMMAND inet.<=(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v is less than or equal to w";

COMMAND inet.=(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Equality of two inets";

COMMAND inet.>(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v is greater than w";

COMMAND inet.>=(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v is equal to or greater than w";

COMMAND inet.>>(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v contains w";

COMMAND inet.>>=(X_0:inet, X_1:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Whether v contains or is equal to w";

COMMAND inet.abbrev(X_0:inet):str;
COMMENT "Abbreviated display format as text";

COMMAND inet.broadcast(X_0:inet):inet;
COMMENT "Returns the broadcast address for network";

COMMENT "Extract IP address as text";

COMMAND inet.hostmask(X_0:inet):inet;
COMMENT "Construct host mask for network";

COMMAND inet.isnil(X_0:inet):bit;
COMMENT "Nil test for inet value";

COMMAND inet.masklen(X_0:inet):int;
COMMENT "Extract netmask length";

COMMAND inet.netmask(X_0:inet):inet;
COMMENT "Construct netmask for network";

COMMENT "Extract network part of address";

COMMENT "Create an inet from a string literal";

COMMAND inet.setmasklen(X_0:inet, X_1:int):inet;
COMMENT "Set netmask length for inet value";

COMMAND inet.text(X_0:inet):str;
COMMENT "Extract IP address and netmask length as text";

Uuid module

MODULE uuid;

COMMAND uuid.isaUUID(X_0:str):bit;
COMMENT "Test a string for a UUID format";

COMMENT "Generate a new uuid";

COMMENT "Generate a new uuid (dummy version for side effect free multiplex loop)";

COMMAND uuid.str(X_0:uuid):str;
COMMENT "Coerce a uuid to its string type";

COMMAND uuid.uuid(X_0:str):uuid;
COMMENT "Coerce a string to a uuid, validating its format";

Batuuid module

MODULE batuuid;

COMMAND batuuid.isaUUID(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:bit];
COMMENT "Test a string for a UUID format";

COMMENT "Generate a new uuid (dummy version for side effect free multiplex loop)";

COMMENT "Generate a new uuid (dummy version for side effect free multiplex loop)";

Url module


COMMAND url.extractURLHost(X_0:str, X_1:bit):str;
COMMENT "Extract host from a URL relaxed version";

COMMAND url.getAnchor(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the URL anchor (reference)";

COMMAND url.getBasename(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the URL base file name";

COMMAND url.getContext(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Get the path context of a URL";

COMMAND url.getDomain(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract Internet domain from the URL";

COMMAND url.getExtension(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the file extension of the URL";

COMMAND url.getFile(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the last file name of the URL";

COMMAND url.getHost(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the server name from the URL strict version";

COMMAND url.getPort(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the port id from the URL";

COMMAND url.getProtocol(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the protocol from the URL";

COMMAND url.getQuery(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the query string from the URL";

COMMAND url.getRobotURL(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the location of the robot control file";

COMMAND url.getUser(X_0:url):str;
COMMENT "Extract the user identity from the URL";

COMMAND url.isaURL(X_0:str):bit;
COMMENT "Check conformity of the URL syntax";

COMMAND, X_1:str, X_2:str):url;
COMMENT "Construct URL from protocol, host,and file";

COMMAND, X_1:str, X_2:int, X_3:str):url;
COMMENT "Construct URL from protocol, host, port, and file";

COMMAND url.url(X_0:str):url;
COMMENT "Create an URL from a string literal";

COMMAND url.url(X_0:url):url;
COMMENT "Create an URL from a string literal";

Xml module


COMMAND xml.aggr(X_0:bat[:xml]):xml;
COMMENT "Aggregate the XML values.";

COMMAND xml.attribute(X_0:str, X_1:str):xml;
COMMENT "Construct an attribute value pair";

COMMAND xml.comment(X_0:str):xml;
COMMENT "Construct an comment struction";

COMMAND xml.concat(X_0:xml, X_1:xml):xml;
COMMENT "Concatenate the xml values";

COMMAND xml.content(X_0:str):xml;
COMMENT "Check the value for compliance as content, i.e.  it may contain multiple roots and character data.";

COMMAND xml.document(X_0:str):xml;
COMMENT "Check the value for compliance as XML document";

COMMAND xml.element(X_0:str, X_1:xml, X_2:xml, X_3:xml):xml;
COMMENT "The basic building block for XML elements are namespaces, attributes and a sequence of xml elements. The name space and the attributes may be left unspecified(=nil:bat).";

COMMAND xml.element(X_0:str, X_1:xml):xml;
COMMENT "The basic building block for XML elements are namespaces, attributes and a sequence of xml elements. The name space and the attributes may be left unspecified(=nil:bat).";

COMMAND xml.epilogue():void;

PATTERN xml.forest(X_0:xml...):xml;
COMMENT "Construct an element list";

COMMAND xml.isdocument(X_0:str):bit;
COMMENT "Validate the string as a document";

COMMAND xml.parse(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:str):xml;
COMMENT "Parse the XML document or element string values";

COMMAND xml.pi(X_0:str, X_1:str):xml;
COMMENT "Construct a processing instruction";

COMMAND xml.root(X_0:xml, X_1:str, X_2:str):xml;
COMMENT "Construct the root nodes";

COMMAND xml.str(X_0:xml):str;
COMMENT "Cast the string to an xml compliant string";

COMMAND xml.subaggr(X_0:bat[:xml], X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:any_1], X_3:bit):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Grouped aggregation of XML values.";

COMMAND xml.subaggr(X_0:bat[:xml], X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:any_1], X_3:bat[:oid], X_4:bit):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Grouped aggregation of XML values with candidates list.";

COMMAND xml.text(X_0:xml):str;
COMMENT "Extract text from an xml atom";

COMMAND xml.xml(X_0:str):xml;
COMMENT "Cast the string to an xml compliant string";

Xmlbat module

MODULE batxml;

COMMAND batxml.attribute(X_0:str, X_1:bat[:str]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Construct an attribute value pair.";

COMMAND batxml.comment(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Create an XML comment element.";

COMMAND batxml.concat(X_0:bat[:xml], X_1:bat[:xml]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Concatenate the XML values.";

COMMAND batxml.content(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Parse the string as XML element content.";

COMMAND batxml.document(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Parse the string as an XML document.";

COMMAND batxml.element(X_0:str, X_1:xml, X_2:xml, X_3:bat[:xml]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "The basic building block for XML elements are namespaces, attributes and a sequence of XML elements. The name space and the attributes may be left unspecified(=nil).";

COMMAND batxml.element(X_0:str, X_1:bat[:xml]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "The basic building block for XML elements are namespaces, attributes and a sequence of XML elements. The name space and the attributes may be left unspecified.";

PATTERN batxml.forest(X_0:bat[:xml]...):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Construct an element list.";

COMMAND batxml.isdocument(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:bit];
COMMENT "Validate the string as a XML document.";

COMMAND batxml.options(X_0:str, X_1:str, X_2:bat[:xml]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Create the components including NULL conversions.";

COMMAND batxml.parse(X_0:str, X_1:bat[:str], X_2:str):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Parse the XML document or element string values.";

COMMAND batxml.pi(X_0:str, X_1:bat[:xml]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Construct a processing instruction.";

COMMAND batxml.root(X_0:bat[:xml], X_1:str, X_2:str):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Construct the root nodes.";

COMMAND batxml.serialize(X_0:bat[:xml]):bat[:str];
COMMENT "Serialize the XML object to a string.";

COMMAND batxml.str(X_0:bat[:xml]):bat[:str];
COMMENT "Cast the xml to a string.";

COMMAND batxml.text(X_0:bat[:xml]):bat[:str];
COMMENT "Serialize the XML object to a string.";

COMMAND batxml.xml(X_0:bat[:str]):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Cast the string to an xml compliant string.";

COMMAND batxml.xquery(X_0:bat[:str], X_1:str):bat[:xml];
COMMENT "Execute the XQuery against the elements.";