abs(x) | same as input | absolute value of a number | abs(-17.4) | 17.4 |
bit_and(x, y) | int | bitwise AND | bit_and(91, 15) | 11 |
bit_not(x) | int | bitwise NOT | bit_not(1) | -2 |
bit_or(x, y) | int | bitwise OR | bit_or(32, 3) | 35 |
bit_xor(x, y) | int | bitwise XOR | bit_xor(17, 5) | 20 |
cbrt(x) | double | cube root | cbrt(2.0) | 1.2599210498948734 |
ceil(x) | double | nearest integer greater than or equal to argument (same as ceiling(x)) | ceil(-42.8) | -42 |
ceiling(x) | double | nearest integer greater than or equal to argument (same as ceil(x)) | ceiling(-95.3) | -95 |
exp(x) | double | exponential | exp(1) | 2.718281828459045 |
floor(x) | real or double | nearest integer less than or equal to argument | floor(-42.8) | -43 |
get_value_for(schema_nm, seq_nm) | bigint | get current value of a sequence | get_value_for('dwh2', 'seq_9201') | 1234 |
greatest(x, y) | same as input | greatest (highest) value of x and y (same as sql_max(x,y)) | greatest(1.2, 5) | 5 |
least(x, y) | same as input | least (lowest) value of x and y (same as sql_min(x,y)) | least(1.2, 5) | 1.2 |
left_shift(x, i) | same as first arg | bitwise shift left i bits | left_shift(1, 4) | 16 |
ln(x) | double | natural logarithm | ln(2.0) | 0.6931471805599453 |
log(x) | double | natural logarithm, same as ln(x) | log(2.0) | 0.6931471805599453 |
log(b, x) | double | logarithm to base b. Note: before Oct2020 release (11.39.5) the arguments were switched, so log(x, b). | log(2, 64.0) | 6.0 |
log10(x) | double | base 10 logarithm | log10(100.0) | 2.0 |
log2(x) | double | base 2 logarithm | log2(64.0) | 6.0 |
mod(x, y) | same as input | modulo (remainder) | mod(5.0, 2.1) | 0.8 |
next_value_for(schema_nm, seq_nm) | bigint | get current value of a sequence and increment it | next_value_for('dwh2', 'seq_9201') | 1234 |
power(x, y) | double | x raised to the power of y | power(2, 5) | 32 |
rand() | int | random integer value between 0 and 2147483648 | rand() | 917632440 |
rand(seed) | int | random integer value with seed set | rand(-5) | 1345532277 |
right_shift(x, i) | same as first arg | bitwise shift right i bits | right_shift(16, 2) | 4 |
round(x, d) | same as first arg | round x to d decimal places | round(42.4382, 2) | 42.4400 |
scale_down(x, y) | same as first arg | ??? divide x by y and round to integer | scale_down(100, 3) | 33 |
scale_up(x, y) | same as first arg | ??? multiply x by y | scale_up(13, 3) | 39 |
sign(x) | tinyint | sign of the argument: -1 when x is negative, 0 when x is zero, 1 when x is positive | sign(-8.4) | -1 |
sql_add(x, y) | same as input | x plus y | sql_add(2, 3.4) | 5.4 |
sql_div(x, y) | same as input | x divided by y | sql_div(3.4, 2) | 1.7 |
sql_max(x, y) | same as input | greatest (highest) value of x and y (same as greatest(x,y)) | sql_max(1.2, sql_max(3.3, 5)) | 5 |
sql_min(x, y) | same as input | least (lowest) value of x and y(same as least(x,y)) | sql_min(1.2, sql_min(3.3, 5)) | 1.2 |
sql_mul(x, y) | same as input | x multiplied by y | sql_mul(1.2, 5) | 6.0 |
sql_neg(x) | same as input | x times -1 | sql_neg(-2.5) | 2.5 |
sql_sub(x, y) | same as input | subtract y from x | sql_sub(5, 7) | -2 |
sqrt(x) | double | square root | sqrt(2.0) | 1.4142135623730951 |
sys.alpha(pdec double, pradius double) | double | compute alpha 'expansion' of theta for a given declination (used by SkyServer) | sys.alpha(5.0, 1.2) | 1.2045844792437546 |
sys.ms_round(x double, prc int, trunc int) | double | round to prc decimal places and ?? truncate to trunc decimal places | sys.ms_round(1.2359, 2, 0) | 1.24 |
sys.ms_trunc(num double, prc int) | double | truncate to prc decimal places | sys.ms_trunc(1.2359, 2) | 1.23 |