Fedora Easy Setup

Step 1

Install MonetDB

Install the MonetDB-release package

sudo dnf install https://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/Fedora/MonetDB-release.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install MonetDB

If you wish, you can have systemd manage the MonetDB service. If you do, the databases will be in /var/monetdb5/dbfarm:

sudo systemctl enable monetdbd
sudo systemctl start monetdbd

Add any users who are allowed to run a database server that is managed by systemd to the monetdb group which was automatically created when MonetDB was installed. This command does that for the current user:

sudo usermod -a -G monetdb $USER

Then log out and back in again to activate this change. After this you can run monetdbd. mserver5 can be used by any user, but it then requires the --dbpath argument; see the manual.

All commands in this step should be executed as superuser (root), so that is why they are all prepended with sudo.

Step 2

Hello World!

Verify the correct installation of MonetDB.

Create and start a new farm where you can store different databases.

shell> monetdbd create /path/to/mydbfarm
shell> monetdbd start /path/to/mydbfarm

Create and release a Database (default in maintenance mode)

shell> monetdb create mydb
shell> monetdb release mydb

Connect to the database with the following credentials:

default user: monetdb

default password: monetdb

shell> mclient -u monetdb -d mydb

Perform the first query

sql> SELECT 'hello world';

    | single_value  |
    | hello world   |
    1 tuple

Remember to close the query with semicolon

Terminate the connection with the server

sql> \q

Step 3

Have Fun

Now it's time to discover some more advanced features of MonetDB. Go to see our Introduction to MonetDB in the documentation section to discover, among others:

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