The MonetDB team at CWI/MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Apr2012-SP1 bugfix release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at For details on this release, please see the release notes at As usual, the download location is Apr 2012-SP1 bugfix release Build Environment * Windows: we now use OpenSSL 1.0.1b. SQL * Databases that were upgraded from the Aug2011 release have an error in the catalog for SQL procedures. This is now fixed. Merovingian * Fixed a bug where connecting to a stopped multiplex-funnel would result in a 'there are no available connections' error. MonetDB Common * Implemented MT_getrss for Mac OS X systems, this allows the server to know about how much memory is currently in use. Bug Fixes * 2454: SQL: add various statistical functions * 2916: non admin user cannot create temporary tables * 2949: SQL exception during execution of a correct user defined function that just returns a relation table constructed by a simple SQL select query * 2958: Grant does't work with schema syntax * 2960: mclient terminates connection during insertion of a large number of records from a file * 2972: SQL URL functionality contains errors * 2987: Broken type inference when using sql round * 2992: SQL module truncates DECIMALS when passing integers to MAL module * 3000: Inconsistency between read-only and read-write modes after dropping a schema * 3028: Segmentation fault in seqscan_eq_bte_bte_tloc_void_void * 3046: mserver5 terminates with segmentation fault * 3063: datacell functions no longer work after restart of database * 3072: Database upgrade from Dec2011 to Apr2012 broken for storage() * 3073: VERY slow foreign key check (due to missing batcalc.isnil() ?) * 3074: Name resolution in procedures * 3077: No errors on UDF returning table with too many columns * 3079: Converting an Oracle schema DDL for MonetDB fails to create a column named "no".