The MonetDB team at MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the
Jul2021-SP1 bugfix release of the MonetDB suite of programs.
More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at
For details on this release, please see the release notes at
As usual, the download location is <>.
Jul2021-SP1 Bugfix Release (11.41.11)
MonetDB Common
* Some deadlock and race condition issues were fixed.
* Handling of the list of free bats has been improved, leading to
less thread contention.
* A problem was fixed where the server wouldn't start with a message
from BBPcheckbats about files being too small. The issue was not
that the file was too small, but that BBPcheckbats was looking at
the wrong file.
* An issue was fixed where a "short read" error was produced when
memory was getting tight.
* When appending to a string bat, we made an optimization where the
string heap was sometimes copied completely to avoid having to
insert strings individually. This copying was still done too
eagerly, so now the string heap is copied less frequently. In
particular, when appending to an empty bat, the string heap is now
not always copied whole.
SQL Frontend
* If the server has been idle for a while with no active clients, the
write-ahead log is now rotated.
* A problem was fixed where files belonging to bats that had been
deleted internally were not cleaned up, leading to a growing
database (dbfarm) directory.
* A leak was fixed where extra bats were created but never cleaned
up, each taking up several kilobytes of memory.
* [This feature was already released in Jul2021 (11.41.5), but the
ChangeLog was missing] Grant indirect privileges. With "GRANT
SELECT ON <my_view> TO <another_user>" and "GRANT EXECUTE ON
FUNCTION <my_func> TO <another_user>", one can grant access to
"my_view" and "my_func" to another user who does not have access to
the underlying database objects (e.g. tables, views) used in
"my_view" and "my_func". The grantee will only be able to access
data revealed by "my_view" or conduct operations provided by
* Improved error reporting in COPY INTO by giving the line number
(starting with one) for the row in which an error was found. In
particular, the sys.rejects() table now lists the line number of
the CSV file on which the record started in which an error was
Bug Fixes
* 7140: SQL Query Plan Non Optimal with View
* 7162: Extend sys.var_values table
* 7165: `JOINIDX: missing '.'` when running distributed join query on
merged remote tables
* 7172: Unexpected query result with merge tables
* 7173: If truncate is in transaction then after restart of MonetDB
the table is empty
* 7178: Remote Table Throws Error - createExceptionInternal: !ERROR:
SQLException:RAstatement2:42000!The number of projections don't
match between the generated plan and the expected one: 1 != 1200