Hi, Thanks for your interest in MonetDB. The technical documentation of the MonetDB kernel can be found on our webpage, http://monetdb.cwi.nl/ for MIL: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/FrontEnds/mil/index.html The SQL documentation is limited to how to get yourself going http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/FrontEnds/SQL/index.html Our SQL syntax is conforming to the SQL/99 standard. We currently have not made a manual for the SQL/99 standard. A little help I can give you is that PostgreSQL is fairly SQL/99 conformant as well, and as such PostgreSQL queries are a good starting point for MonetDB/SQL. Regards, Fabian liudawei wrote:
Hi: I am a starter on MonetDB,I am interesting in this excllent Database.My questions are is: 1) where I can get the manual of Monet Server and SQL Front End.
best regards Peter Chen
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