MonetDB developers Today another MonetDB Meeting was held at the CWI. In this meeting we decided to aim for another MonetDB{SQL/XQuery} release on June 25. To reach this goal we are going for a Feature freeze (ie the usual release candidates and release branch) on June 1. So if you have any (well tested) interesting features too add please commit them before June 1. The we are aiming for an Release with many new features. See http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Development/Roadmap/index.html for full details. Among these features are hopefully 'Xquery updates' and 'SQL triggers'. Before this MonetDB 4 release we are going for an alpha release via a 'tarball' of the MonetDB 5 development on May 05. This will be the first public release of the MonetDB 5 code base. Niels Nes