On 27-03-2008 17:35:21 +0100, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Dear fellow MonetDB developers,
the recently introduced archiving of testing result summaries seems to require more storage than expected --- I don't know, yet, whether this is indeed inherent in the approach, or "just" some bug --- filling up the disk space on our testing server, and thus preventing testing from running properly.
Just for completeness, this doesn't affect the http://www.ins.cwi.nl/~monet/permastore pages, does it?
I will not have any time to investigate (let alone fix) the problem this week --- in fact, given other obligations, I'm not sure whether I will find any time before May 1st ...
Hence, there might be some time ahead without proper/reliable MonetDB testing. I'll keep you posted, in case/once I managed to solve the problem...