17 Nov
17 Nov
12:36 p.m.
Hello all, that is my first mail to this list, so please apologize if I do mistakes. I recently compiled MonetDB on a NFS-home-directory (stupid, now that I think of it). The error message I got was: !FATAL: GDKlockHome: Database lock '.gdk_lock' denied After some investigations I found out that in /cvsroot/monetdb/MonetDB/src/gdk/gdk_posix.mx the original OS-error message was discarded and a simple error-return-value was choosen. I suggest to change it to something like what is attached to this mail. Best regards, Robin -- Robin Aly (PhD student, University Twente) Phone: +31 (53) 489 4520 Fax: +31 (53) 489 2927 email: r.aly@ewi.utwente.nl