I did that, however, when I break into code, VS shows an original .mx file from which .c and .h were extracted. do I need to compile differently to have VS show .c and .h files? (just to make code more readable) Sjoerd Mullender-2 wrote:
On 2008-02-22 20:07, mobigital1 wrote:
Does anyone know if it's possible to include a capability to generate a set of Visual Studio (2005 or 2008) project files for all components, together with solution file it would be really great to have. Because it would make it much easier to debug it on windows.
perhaps someone already made such projects (even if they are outdated is ok too, I can modify to bring them up to date).
We do not have (and never had) a single solution file for MonetDB. We always build using Makefiles and nmake. But what I do when I want to debug MonetDB on Windows is to start it and then attach to it from Visual Studio. You don't need a solution file for that.
-- Sjoerd Mullender
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