On Monday, May 3, 2010, we are going to move the MonetDB repository over from the Sourceforge-hosted CVS repository to a Mercurial repository hosted on dev.monetdb.org. On March 18 I sent a pre announcement to the monetdb-developers list (IMPORTANT: changes are afoot). [1] In particular, the following CVS modules will be converted and moved: MonetDB, MonetDB4, MonetDB5, buildtools, clients, geom, java, pathfinder, sql, template, testing. The other CVS modules that are hosted at Sourceforge (pf-haskell, pf-tools, xml) will remain there, at least for now. This means that as of Monday, the affected modules in the CVS repository will be made read only (it will remain readable for a long time, just not writable). When the move is complete, the repository will open at the following location: http://dev.monetdb.org/hg/MonetDB/ This URL can be used to browse the repository using a web browser, and it can be used as the URL to make a Mercurial clone (hg clone http://dev.monetdb.org/hg/MonetDB/). This will be a read-only version of the repository. Core developers will get read-write access at the URL ssh://hg@dev.monetdb.org/MonetDB/ I wrote a document to help with the conversion to Mercurial, both describing the way to use Mercurial, and how to convert your CVS working set to a Mercurial clone. For now (until we find a better place), this document can be accessed at: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/downloads/monetdb/MonetDB-Mercurial.html http://homepages.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/downloads/monetdb/MonetDB-Mercurial.pdf As part of the move, I will subscribe subscribers to the various monetdb checkin mailing lists to the new mailing list checkin-list@monetdb.org. If you are subscribed to one or more of monetdb-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net monetdb-sql-checkins@lists.sourceforge.net monetdb-pf-checkins@lists.sourcefoge.net I will subscribe you to the list checkin-list@monetdb.org. This I will do on Monday as well, so you should get a message to that effect on Monday. [1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4BA239BF.4090307%40acm.org&forum_name=monetdb-developers -- Sjoerd Mullender