On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 10:37:16PM +0200, Sjoerd Mullender wrote:
On 06/06/2006 07:17 PM, Peter Boncz wrote: [...]
For the XQuery release, the following input: [...] - fixing of the indexing strategy under updates MUST 1 week stefan (sjoerd?)
I hope to be back in A'dm next week (i.e., after June 12). Despite different planning, I won't be able to do much on this before then.
- adapting scj for candidate lists to be resistent against holes SHOULD 1 day stefan
Hm, IMHO scj is already hole-resistent --- at least it once was with the "old" hole implementation (w/o paging)... Maybe, there's an other / a new problem that I'm not aware of, yet ... [...]
- performance testing under read-only scenarios (at least XMark) MUST 1 week, sjoerd,peter,stefan
I'll be available once I'm back in A'dam.
- formulating some benchmark update queries, testing those, fixing most pressing issues MUST 3 weeks, sjoerd,peter,stefan
I'll be available once I'm back in A'dam.
plus documentation..
- plus functionality-, stability-, portability-testing (incl. creating new test cases!), and bug fixing. MUST, >= 3 week, ALL of us.
-----Original Message----- From: Martin Kersten [mailto:Martin.Kersten@cwi.nl] Sent: 05 June 2006 14:23 [...] Alpha release of the MonetDB V5 05-05-2006 [...] - Roadblocks: --the envisioned meta-bootstrap is not available, which requires users to be aware on how to compile/install SQL and M4 kernel [Stefan? weeks into the future]
The "meta-build" (not only "-bootstrap") is only for "convenience", hence not a (major) "roadblock". (Whoever wants/need to install M5 from (cvs-) sources, should be skilled enough to be able to install (buildtools,) MonetDB, monet5, sql (in that order) by running `(bootstrap;) configure; make; make install` for each of them. "end-users" should/will eventually get binary packages/installers that support "one-click-installation"... The "meta-build" is still on my todo list (though mainly to releave us from the "support-overhead"); however, under the current "circumstance", its priority has decreased...) [...]
Martin Kersten wrote: [...]
From our website: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Items planned for release V4.12 25-06-2006 This release is geared at consolidation of the XQuery functionality. [...] * Kernel: cleanup (removal of uchr, new types byte and word).
no news here. Unless there is an urgend request, I'd vote for scrapping it from this release, postponing it to the next one --- there are more important tasks for this release... [...] Stefan -- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |