Wat zijn de verbeteringen aan de API kant? PHP has been renovated completely, but doesn't work on Windows yet? JDBC issues? Authorization issues? Oftewel, wat is er wel te 'verkopen'? Fabian Groffen wrote:
On 05-06-2006 14:03:51 +0200, Martin Kersten wrote:
From our website: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Items planned for release V4.12 25-06-2006 This release is geared at consolidation of the XQuery functionality.
* XQuery: XUpdate and API's * XQuery: support for large numbers of small documents * XQuery: standoff, extension to the XPath axis * Kernel: caching small garbaged BATs for speed * APIs: Xrpc (remote procedure using soap) * SQL: support for triggers This is not in there, I think, and I also guess won't be in. * SQL: full support for global and local temporary tables * Kernel: support for fragmented memory mapped BATs * Mapi: an other round of performance improvements This one didn't make it, so it's also not in. * 64 bit Windows installer. * Kernel: cleanup (removal of uchr, new types byte and word). Are they in? Stefan?
Items planned for later and upon need
* SQL: support for the XMLtype * SQL: Stored procedures. I'd like to add here SQL: VACUUM TABLE and CLUSTER TABLE support * A basic GIS module. * Improve bulk-loading stream-based processing * DatabasePool, to manage multiple Mserver instances * Re-organize and redo performance benchmarks * Migration tools from Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
Alpha release of the MonetDB V5 05-05-2006 ok.
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