This email is to report a bug in MonetDB V4.8.2 for windows.

My name is Rómulo Gonçalves, number 0536601.

When I try to create a table with multiply primary key with the following code (SQL99) :

       ID_URL int,
       ID_Division int,
       PRIMARY KEY (ID_URL, ID_Division)

ALTER Table URLs ADD foreign key(ID_Division) references URL_Division(ID_Division);

I receive the following error:

"[MonetDB][ODBC Driver 1.0]! Could not find referenced primary key in table urls"

Then I tried with the following code:

ID_URL int,
ID_Division int,
primary key(ID_URL),
primary key(ID_Division)

And no error happen when I create the table. Here is the bug.

The MonetDB accept that we insert more than one key and then it accepts the first (in this case ID_URL) as a primary key.

But there is another bug. I can not create relational tables because I need to have a multiply primary key, in this case one tuplo (ID_URL,ID-Division) and for this I need to have the possibility to do like the following example:

       ID_URL int,
       ID_Division int,
       PRIMARY KEY (ID_URL, ID_Division) -> MonetDB not accept this way to define multiple primary key.

Maybe the report is not a perfect report because is the first time that I report bugs of one System. I hope that you understand the two bugs of MonetDB that I found, if there is something that you do not understand, please contact me.

Greets, Rómulo....