Hi all, over the weekend I packaged MonetDB-Oct2010-SP1 for homebrew, an increasingly popular git-based package manager for OSX. For more info about homebrew please see: http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/ The package can be found at https://github.com/gmodena/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/monetdb.rb I will be doing some more tests, tweaks and clean ups during the week, if everything works well I'd like to try to get the package included in the official repository. Please let me know if you have any comment or feedback. = Synopsis = # Install x86/x86_64 binaries $ brew install monetdb # Build from superball source $ brew install --superball monetdb = Features = - possibility to install either from binaries (x86/x86_64) or building from source (superball). Binaries are picked given the detected architecture. - plist file for (optionally) starting merovingian at boot/login = TODO = - add the possibility to build&install from the hg repository Cheers -- Gabriele