Hi all, For my research on probabilistic XML, I need some additional functions in XQuery implemented in mil. By means of copying code from existing functions in milprint_summer, I've been able to get some things working, but I still do not have the feeling that I understand the meaning and purpose of all the bats. For example, what's this ipik bat? There seem to be two interfaces (NORMAL and VALUES) that pass data from one subexpression to the next. My question is (I guess): which bats are involved in each of the interfaces and which conditions hold and do I need to adhere to wrt these bats? Is there some documentation around about this? I checked the pathfinder Wiki, but it, for example, gives no result for a search for "ipik". FYI, I have to develop for milprint_summer, because of the recursion patterns that are not supported yet in the algebra backend. Furthermore, I did of course ask Jan and Henning, but they also seem to struggle on this point. Thanks for any help and or comments. Maurice. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr.Ir. M. van Keulen - Assistant Professor, Data Management Technology Univ. of Twente, Dept of EEMCS, POBox 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands Email: m.vankeulen@utwente.nl, Phone: +31 534893688, Fax: +31 534892927 Room: ZI 3039, WWW: http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~keulen