On 09-06-2008 18:32:47 +0200, Romulo Goncalves wrote:
I removed all the dbfarm, sql_logs and all the lib_* files.... Clean installation and I continue to get:
E:\MonetDB\Current\sql\NT>RunMserver5.bat !WARNING: GDKlockHome: created directory E:\MonetDB\Current\\sql\NT\dbfarm\demo\ !WARNING: GDKlockHome: ignoring empty or invalid .gdk_lock. !WARNING: BBPdir: initializing BBP. # MonetDB server v5.6.0, based on kernel v1.24.0 # Serving database 'demo' # Compiled for i686-pc-win32/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically linked # Copyright (c) 1993-2008 CWI, all rights reserved # Visit http://monetdb.cwi.nl/ for further information #warning: please don't forget to set your vault key! #(see E:\MonetDB\Current\MonetDB5\NT\etc\monetdb5.conf) !FATAL: MALException:addUser:user 'monetdb' already exists
It seems the bats are somewhere, the problem is where. The search of windows does not detect any dbfarm...
Any suggestion?
check what "E:\MonetDB\Current\MonetDB5\NT\etc\monetdb5.conf" is pointing to with regards to the dbfarm variable.