27 Apr
27 Apr
4:08 p.m.
http://www.minq.se/products/dbvis/install-436/install.jsp I'm not going to register, I'll use this version that you can download without registering crap. On 27-04-2006 17:56:21 +0200, Fabian wrote:
I will see later what they need to download this. It looks like <mailing list censor/> to me on a second thought.
On 27-04-2006 17:47:37 +0200, Martin Kersten wrote:
Fabian wrote:
http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/development_tools/dbvisualizer.html Ok, downloading requires your credentials to be left behind and some hints what to fill in where. Could you copy the doc/Assets/AquaDataStudio.texi file and enumerate the steps. Then I will try to re-do them following the documentation.