On 25/11/10 12:12, Stefan Manegold wrote:
On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 11:56:28AM +0100, Romulo Goncalves wrote:
I just updated my default branch and I restarted my mserver, i.e., it will use a old dbfarm. I get the following complain: !MALException:user.main[2497]:address of pattern vault.prelude missing
1) Since the development version come with no guarantees, it's always a good idea to test and upgraded version on a non-crucial easily recreatable or backed-up database. That is always the case.
2) This is IMHO not database related at all --- you could check this by starting your mserver5 with a not yet existing database, e.g., `mserver5 --dbname=ThisIsAnewDB`
It happens in both cases.
3) Did you recompile from scratch with no legacy lying around, i.e., empty build-& prefix-directories, and bootstrapping everything with the latest buildtools?
Yes... my pull does a rebase plus update, therefore, all the modules are updated with the latest version. The prefix directory is cleaned before I install something. Romulo