Hi: I am a starter of MonetDB.I encountered a problem about conneting a remote MoneDB server via ODBC.The problem is discribed as follows: Given that the MonetDB server is running on a host(,and,the Application program is running on a host ( MonetDB version is the windows version.I have tried to connet the server through the ODBC connect string in my appliction program,but failed,by the way,I am ensure the connect string is correct. My question is: 1.Can MonetDB server be connected via ODBC driver from a remote Application Clinet? 2.If it is so,how can I connet the MonetDB server.Wether need I do some configuration in the configure file of the MonetDB server? Waiting for your suggestion!Thanks! best regards! Davy China -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Question-about-remote-connection-to-MonetDB-tf1950030.... Sent from the monetdb-developers forum at Nabble.com.