Dear All, I am planning to use monetdb for my thesis. But I have a problem with PHP module. I'll be glad if somebody supply me a solution. I'm using gentoo... And compiling monetdb on that distribution produces debug version of PHP module. Because my PHP compiled with "no-debug" ... those two do not want to work together :) I even changed ebuild script and added "--no-debug" string. But could't be able to get no-debug version of PHP mapi client module. And I couldn't find anywhere that make.standalone script that told in README file.. Would anybody advise please ... Thanks in Advance. And Regards. -- -------------------------------------------------------- Goker Burak Cetin System Administration Istanbul Technical University Center for Satellite Communications & Remote Sensing 34469 Maslak Istanbul TURKEY TEL: +90 212 285 68 13 FAX: +90 212 285 71 67 http://www.cscrs.itu.edu.tr/goker goker@cscrs.itu.edu.tr --------------------------------------------------------