Hello, considering the following interaction $ mclient -lmal -d test Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB interactive terminal (unreleased) Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands mal>sql.init(); mal>_mvc := sql.mvc(); mal>abat:bat[:int,:int] := bat.new(:int, :int); mal>bat.insert(abat, 1, 4); mal>bat.insert(abat, 1, 4); mal>bat.insert(abat, 1, 1); mal>bat.insert(abat, 1, 1); mal>bat.insert(abat, 0, 4); mal>bat.inplace(abat, 0, 5); MAPI = (monetdb) /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000 ACTION= read_line QUERY = bat.inplace(abat, 0, 5); ERROR = !Connection terminated Is this a bug or not? The log of merovingian is the following: 2011-12-07 13:01:51 ERR test[15564]: mserver5: ../../MonetDB/gdk/gdk_bat.mx:1917: void_inplace: Assertion `b->H->type == 0' failed. 2011-12-07 13:01:51 MSG merovingian[14343]: database 'test' (15564) was killed by signal SIGABRT However, the bat5.mx declares the following prototype: command inplace( o:bat[:any_1,:any_2], id:any_1, t:any_2) :bat[:any_1,:any_2] address BKCbun_inplace comment "inplace replace values on the given locations"; Regards, Babis