Hello everybody, as I am trying to get some experiments with PFTijah to work I encountered endless loops while executing some queries. Setting the debug_level to 1024 gave me a list of locks which were obviously competing about some resource. The attachment tries to describe what the start parameters, inputs and the log messages were. Can somebody tell me whether that is a problem of mine, or a common one? And what a good approach to fix it would be. Best regards & fijn weekend Robin -- Robin Aly (PhD student, University Twente) Phone: +31 (53) 489 4520 Fax: +31 (53) 489 2927 email: r.aly@ewi.utwente.nl gdb -args Mserver --set monet_daemon=yes --dbinit="module(pftijah); mil_start();" /tmp/trec${i}.xq= let $opt := <TijahOptions returnNumber="1000" collection="PFX" algebraType="COARSE2" txtmodel_model="NLLR"/> for $q in doc("/local/alyr/dev/eval/clef-clsr-2006/clef-malach/topics/evaluation2006-en.xml")//top[3] let $q_text := pf:tijah-tokenize(exactly-one($q/title/text())) let $q_nexi := concat("//DOC[about(.,", $q_text, ")];") let $q_num := $q/num/text() let $result := pf:tijah-query-id($opt, (), $q_nexi) for $doc at $rank in pf:tijah-nodes($result) return string-join(($q_num, "Q0", $doc/DOCNO/text(), string($rank), string(pf:tijah-score($result, $doc)), "UTallEN"), " ") MapiClient -l xquery