Hello list, I'm currently trying to use the OpenSUSE build service (http://build.openeuse.org), to build packages RPMs for for CentOS and RedHat distributions, and i think I've found a bug in a Makefile for MonetDB. Essentially it looks like the explicit path /etc/tmpfiles.d/monetdbd.conf is used in the Makefile located here: MonetDB-11.5.9/buildtools/conf/Makefile.in ...and the RPM build process doesn't like that. OpenSUSE essentially implicitly enables the "norootdir" option in the spec file (regardless of if it's actually present or not) because RPMs are built is special purpose-built VMs that are provisioned when a "job" to build an RPM is submitted, and the build process doesn't run as root. See here and here for more discussion on this problem (it's a common problem apparently): http://wiki.sipfoundry.org/display/sipXecs/Building+RPM+tips http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Tips_and_Tricks#Permission_den... I think the "fix" is as simple as inserting "$(prefix)" into the line in Makefile.in, so that the build path is used to create the temporary folder instead of attempting to writing to the system-wide /etc folder (the build fails on the Makefile's install phase with permission denied errors because of this static path). Am I on to something here? If I'm right, can the Makefile.in file be patched please, adding $(prefix)? -- Thanks, Eric