Good morning Lefteris,
before checking in the changes in the serializer it is bettter to check in the original code, also mark the serielizer in the original location as M42M5, and then check in the chabges from the original file
This does not apply here, as there are no changes or replication. just contains the MAL wrappers, uses the M4 shredder API, and links with ../../runtime/libserialize Peter
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Peter Boncz
wrote: Update of /cvsroot/monetdb/pathfinder/backends/monet5 In directory
Modified Files: ? ? ?Tag: M5XQ ? ? ? ? Added Files: ? ? ?Tag: M5XQ ? ? ? ? Log Message: - add the serializer (finally), in the end opted to leave the code ?for now in M4, just added the wrappers - propagated some bugs that got lost in the shredder