Can you give a quick explanation on how to get stethoscope or tomograph to capture data?  The online documentation is a bit sparse.

As I understand it, I can start stethoscope with the following command: "stethoscope -d tpch -h localhost +ts algebra.* bat.* group.* sql.* aggr.*"

It does seem to start, but it never seems to progress.  I see the following line: "-- opened UDP profile stream StephenMorgan:50010 for localhost"  But I never get any more output.  As apparently suggested, I ran a query in another window, but got no obvious trace events or any other output.  I eventually just killed it with ^C, at which point it said, "-- connection with server localhost closed".  It didn't seem to leave behind a file.

I also tried running tomograph, using "tomograph -d tpch -h localhost" and got a similar startup message.  I ran a query in another window, but nothing happened.  When I finally interrupted it, it told me to "Run: 'gnuplot tomograph.gpl'".  Aha! Success: however, when I tried that command, it complained that it was "Skipping data file with no valid points".

Clearly, I'm missing how to capture data.


Steve Morgan