

I am making the following adjustment to the user defined function template files .


I am using MonetDB-11.15.15 built from source on Ubuntu 12.04.

I have added to the following files in the ./sql/backends/monet5/UDF directory as shown:





create function sumProb(prob1 double, prob2 double)

returns double external name udf.sumProb;



module udf;


command sumProb(prob1:dbl,prob2:dbl):dbl

address UDFSumProb

comment "sum two probabilities";




str UDFSumProb(dbl * res, dbl * prob1, dbl  * prob2)


            *res =  *prob1 + *prob2;

            return MAL_SUCCEED;





udf_export str UDFSumProb(dbl * res, dbl * prob1, dbl  * prob2);


I did a configure/make/make install and tried the following call in mclient:


declare a, b,c double; set a= 0.1; set b= 0.2; select c=jsdistance(a,b);


and get the error:


TypeException:user.s2_1[8]:'udf.sumprob' undefined in: _12:any := udf.sumprob(_8:dbl, _11:dbl)

program contains errors