Dear fellow developers, here's my promised detailed analysis of the impact of the checkins during that last two weeks and the current state of MonetDB 4.3.16: To which changes caused which harmless or harmful differences, and to update the stable output according to the harmless differences, I did re-playing the changes that happened during the last two week on a per day per developer basis, i.e., in 6 steps: 2004-04-14_nielsnes, 2004-04-15_boncz, 2004-04-15_nielsnes, 2004-04-16_nielsnes, 2004-04-18_mlkersten, 2004-04-23_boncz. YES, this means 6 times - compiling MonetDB from scratch, - running Mtest, - checking the output/differences, - running Mapprove where necessary - re-running Mtest, in case Mapprove was necessary (well, it only "cost" me a few hours on early Sunday morning...). As you saw from my checkins, most changes turned out to be "harmless", and I updated the stable output as necessary (hoping, that the respective developers did indeed intend these changes...). "Only" the broken join turned out to be indeed "sad truth". A respective bug report has been filed. Well, that's all from me for now. I'm off, again... Stefan -- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |