As part of, shall we say, helping with the QA of the March-feature-branch-based releases, I'm looking at some of the GDK code involving loading a BBP (and the action thereof). Specifically, I've been looking at the function gdk/gdk_atoms.c:strCleanHash(), which recomputes the opportunistic partial hash table for a tail heap; checks if it's equal to what (seems to be) the hash loaded from disk; and if they don't match - copies the new hash over the old one. I've added an indication in case the hashes don't match. And - I've noticed this happens repeatedly when trying to load the same database, even after previous plain vanilla unmodified source code runs, with no crashes and orderly shutdown. At least - I'm seeing this happen with 11.29.1, and on a TPC-H SF 1 database I created with the script at My questions: 1. Is a discrepancy between the old and recomputed hash, when there had not been any problems on the previous run, expected behavior - or is it a bug? 2. If it is expected, why isn't a correct hash written back to the disk? Doesn't the memcmp(newhash, h->base, sizeof(newhash)) command eventually/immediately get translated into a write? 3. If this is not expected behavior - has this been verified not to happen on other machines? Other versions? 4. Could this be a 11.29.3 vs 11.29.1 issue somehow? I haven't updated to the latest RC yet. Eyal