On 07-05-2010 18:38:42 +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 06:31:21PM +0200, Jan Rittinger wrote:
Hi all,
I think the subject format of the checkin message mail could be improved by changing the format from 'MonetDB: <log-message> (<branch>)' or sometimes 'MonetDB: <partial log-message>...' to 'MonetDB (<branch>): <log-message>' or 'MonetDB (<branch>): <partial log-message>...'.
Mercurial uses the first line of checkin messages as summary in (e.g.) logs, etc. and as email subject.
It depends on the committer how useful this first line (or "partial log-message") in isolation, and hence, the summary and email subject is --- in particular for other --- but that holds for the complete checkin message, too ...
If the first line is too long (like a full page) the line is truncated by the script, guess that's what Jan refers too. Makes sense from a mail point of view.
(Sjoerd pointed this out in his Mercurial intorduction during MADAM and in his MonetDB-Mercirial document.)
In short I vote for switching the order of <log-message> and <branch> in the subject.
Fabian patched the Mercurial setup to add the brnach to the checkin email subject. I guess, he can also prepend instead of append it.
Would be fine by me. (In fact, I like your suggestion ;-))
Ok, that makes the score already 2 then :)