Hello, I am trying to make a small function for creating some persistent bats. Could you point me to my (probably stupid) error? Many thanks Kambiz $ mclient --language=mal -d demo mal> mal>function init_schema():void; mal> mal> bbp.bind("schema_version"); mal> mal> # create schema, if it doesn't exist mal> catch MALException:str; mal> mal> s := bat.new(:void,:oid); mal> bat.setName(s, "schema"); mal> bat.setPersistent(s); mal> mal> s := bat.new(:void,:void); mal> bat.setName(s, "version"); mal> bat.setPersistent(s); mal> mal> sv := bat.new(:oid,:int); mal> bat.setName(sv, "schema_version"); mal> bat.setPersistent(sv); mal> mal> cl := bat.new(:oid,:oid); mal> bat.setName(sv, "schema_class"); mal> bat.setPersistent(sv); mal> mal># etc. etc. etc. mal> mal> transaction.commit(); mal> mal> exit; MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = exit; ERROR = !TypeException:user.init_schema[7]:'bat.new' undefined in: s:bat[:void,:oid] := bat.new(_6:void, _6:void) mal> MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = ERROR = !TypeException:user.init_schema[7]:'bat.new' undefined in: s:bat[:void,:oid] := bat.new(_6:void, _6:void) !SyntaxException:user.init_schema[18]:begin 'MALException' without exit in init_schema[19] mal> io.print("Schema tables seem to exist. Will do nothing\n"); MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = io.print("Schema tables seem to exist. Will do nothing\n"); ERROR = !TypeException:user.init_schema[7]:'bat.new' undefined in: s:bat[:void,:oid] := bat.new(_6:void, _6:void) !SyntaxException:user.init_schema[19]:begin 'MALException' without exit in init_schema[20] mal>end init_schema; MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = end init_schema; ERROR = !TypeException:user.init_schema[7]:'bat.new' undefined in: s:bat[:void,:oid] := bat.new(_6:void, _6:void) !SyntaxException:user.init_schema[18]:begin 'MALException' without exit in init_schema[19] mal>