Dear monetdb developers: I try to install MonetDB many times on Fedora7 using MonetDB-Mars-SuperBall, but I have the same problem which unables me to connect to server. 1. When I go to Mserver it was: [root@localhost ~]# Mserver # Monet Database Server V4.18.0 # Copyright (c) 1993-2007, CWI. All rights reserved. # Compiled for i686-redhat-linux-gnu/32bit with 32bit OIDs; dynamically linked. # Visit for further information. MonetDB> But, then, I open MapiClient, there is an error like below: [root@localhost ~]# MapiClient -q MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 ACTION= mapi_start_talking ERROR = !MALException:setScenario:Scenario 'mil' not initialized 2. When I go to mserver5, it was: MonetDB>[root@localhost ~]# mserver5 # MonetDB Server v5.0.0 # Copyright (c) 1993-2007 CWI, all rights reserved # Compiled for i686-redhat-linux-gnu/32bit with 32bit OIDs dynamically linked # dbname:demo # Visit for further information #warning: please don't forget to set your vault key! #(see /usr/local/etc/monetdb5.conf)
Then, I open MapiClient: [root@localhost ~]# MapiClient -q MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 ACTION= mapi_start_talking ERROR = !MALException:setScenario:Scenario 'mil' not initialized [root@localhost ~]# Could you help me to solve the problems? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Tola -- Department of Computer Science Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba Ibaraki, Tsukuba city, Japan