7 May
7 May
2:48 p.m.
On 07-05-2010 16:24:41 +0200, Gijs Molenaar wrote:
When I try to do a password reset with my username (gijzelaerr) I get this error:
The e-mail address you entered (*gijzelaerr*) didn't pass our syntax checking for a legal email address. A legal address must contain exactly one '@', and at least one '.' after the @. It must also not contain any of these special characters: \ ( ) & < > , ; : " [ ], or any whitespace.
Should I use my username or e-mail? Also none if my e-mail adresses work for password reset.
BTW: the link in the top of bugs.monetdb.org to some drupal thing is not working.
yeah, that's definitely broken. Thanks I'll mail you in private for the mail problem.