On Wednesday 19 July 2006 12:22, Fabian Groffen wrote:
If you do, it would be great if you could implement it in such a way that matches our TODO on this process.
Sjoerd already gave you pointers on how to get started coding. Enjoy!
I began coding already :D It doesn't seem too hard, in fact, I already have a preliminary version where I don't have to specify the number of records beforehand (and only a few lines of code). I don't like it much, though, so I think its better to consult the list before even trying to clean it up. On my cvs checkout Niels Nes' suggestion: ========== The 'copy into' should work but it should be part of your generated output. The stream should generated COPY opt_nr INTO qname FROM STDIN opt_seps data empty_line ========== didn't work, perhaps I checked out a wrong branch. However, it was easy to make it work, and that is what I coded (make the copy end if either an empty line is found, or the opt_nr records have been inserted). The reason I don't like it much is that I don't know if empty_line had some semantics before that and I'm changing it. I had been also thinking of adding a third (optional) opt_seps, with a sensible default (empty_line?), that would let me specify what will be the <<end of input>> marker, but it seems I cannot do that without getting deep (changing the mvc_create_table function's signature even). So, what would be better? Leave it with 'empty_line' (easy and almost there), make up another marker (postgres uses \.), or try to add the third opt_seps? What branch should I checkout? Regards, Zarrabeitia (eager to feed my 2 million row database to Monetdb).