
I was looking at this piece of code (end of pcrejoin loop), and I have the feeling something isn't right.
Inside the body of 
  if (nl == 0) 
a condition over lastl is checked.

However, it seems to me that lastl gets a useful value only when nl > 0.
If (nl == 0) then lastl must be 0.

<loop> {
                        /* actual body */

                        /* track result properties */
if (BATcount(r1) > 0) {
if (lastl + 1 != lo)
r1->tseqbase = oid_nil;
if (nl == 0) {
r2->trevsorted = 0;
if (lastl > lo) {
r1->tsorted = 0;
r1->tkey = 0;
} else if (lastl < lo) {
r1->trevsorted = 0;
} else {
r1->tkey = 0;
APPEND(r1, lo);
APPEND(r2, ro);
lastl = lo;