On 2010-02-01 09:20, zhangyuan wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to build MonetDB on Windows.I have download "MonetDB-Nov2009-SuperBall-SP2.tar.bz2" and have carefully checked the FAQ and installation guide. I do as the follow website said: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/SQL/Documentation/Windows-Installation.html, but failed to installed;
otherwise,I couldt't find the folder "buildtools"and the file "configure.gy" etc.
look forward to your feedbacds and suggestios soon!
Thank you!
yuan zhang zhangyuan@dameng.com mailto:zhangyuan@dameng.com
The instructions are based on a CVS checkout of the software, not on the source tar ball. In fact, we have never tried building from the source tar ball on Windows. When you do get a CVS checkout, be sure to checkout at least buildtools, MonetDB, clients, and, depending on whether you want SQL or XQyery, MonetDB5 + sql, or MonetDB4 + pathfinder. Also, you will want to choose the correct branch, or even tag (specific version). For the Nov2009 SP2 release, the tag to use is Nov2009_4. If you use the tag Nov2009, you get the latest version of the release branch, but there are very few, if any, significant changes. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask for more information. -- Sjoerd Mullender