Hi! Congrats on your first (positive) experience with MonetDB, hehehe. On 24-07-2006 16:02:22 -0400, Luis Zarrabeitia wrote: [snip]
I had been also thinking of adding a third (optional) opt_seps, with a sensible default (empty_line?), that would let me specify what will be the <<end of input>> marker, but it seems I cannot do that without getting deep (changing the mvc_create_table function's signature even).
So, what would be better? Leave it with 'empty_line' (easy and almost there), make up another marker (postgres uses \.), or try to add the third opt_seps?
I like the way PostgreSQL does their dumps. Compatibility with them would be a plus for me, and is on my wish-list.
What branch should I checkout?
Just the CVS HEAD (i.e. no branch), imho.