On 07/12/2007 08:46 PM, Arjen P. de Vries wrote:
I have two followup questions then:
1. should <a><![CDATA[<sjoerd@acm.org>]]></a> not leave the CDATA intact and not replace the < to < ?
Disclaimer: I am not very sure what should be correct. http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xslt-xquery-serialization-20030502/ states Note: This is phrased to permit an implementor to provide an option that attempts to preserve CDATA sections present in the source document.
CDATA is CDATA, no matter the representation. In both cases the content of the <a> element is CDATA, it's just encoded differently. I doubt that there is a way for MonetDB/XQuery to find out which encoding was used.
2. Should xquery><![CDATA[<sjoerd@acm.org>]]></a> more>MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = <![CDATA[<sjoerd@acm.org>]]></a> ERROR = !parse error: syntax error, unexpected
also have been allowed - a bit weird if it is allowed inside another element?
I don't know enough about XQuery, but my guess is: no. When you look at the XQuery grammar (http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#nt-bnf) you'll see that (after the optional prologue stuff) the query consists of a list of comma-separated ExprSingles, and that an ExprSingle is one of FLWORExpr, QuantifiedExpr, TypeswitchExpr, IfExpr, OrExpr. The only one (in a quick scan) that doesn't have to start with a keyword is OrExpr in the guise of a PathExpr. And the only CDataSection (<![CDATA[...]]>) is inside a <tag>...</tag> construct.
On 12/07/07, Sjoerd Mullender
wrote: Arjen P. de Vries wrote:
While <a /> is accepted as a query, <![CDATA[<]]> is not. !parse error: syntax error, unexpected
Is that the expected behaviour?
Context: I try to output email addresses as "test
" and failing Arjen
This works:
xquery><a><![CDATA[<sjoerd@acm.org>]]></a> more><> <a><sjoerd@acm.org></a>
-- Sjoerd Mullender
-- Sjoerd Mullender