On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 02:30:44AM +0200, Stefan de Konink wrote:
Martin Kersten wrote:
You can trace the execution even for a server started already using the stethoscope.
What does this/you you want to tell/show us? I.e., does your query still hang, or did it finish now? ("end s27_1;" seem to suggest so, right?) Please try to be a bit more verbose in your statements/emails... I see that aggr.count() (not unexpectedly) is the most expensive one of the operations shown below --- but "only" ~100 sec --- not too extreme for counting the size of 362105182 groups over 365652137 BUNs ... The sum of all shown times is "only" 116865583 usec (i.e., just under 2 min). Did you compile from CVS or from tarball? Did you configure with either --disable-assert (CVS) or --enable-assert (tarball)? If you compiled from CVS without --disable-assert or from tarball with --enable-assert, you also might want to start your mserver5 with --performance (or at least --debug=33554432) to disable "cleaning" of to-be-freed memory just before free() is called --- this might make the ":= nil;" assignments (a bit?) faster ... Stefan
p [ 605303, mt, # name [ 51, "_30 := bat.mirror(ext35=
[362105182]);" ] [ 1282955, "grp20 := nil;"] [ 13, 955, "grp20 := nil;" ] [ 13, "ext35 := nil;" ] [ 103806553, "_31 := aggr.count(_17= [365652137],grp33= [365652137],_30= [362105182]);" ] [ 14, "_17 := nil;" ] [ 1088736, "grp33 := nil;" ] [ 2605761, "_33 := algebra.thetauselect(_31= :bat[:oid,:wrd][362105182],_32=2:wrd,">");" ] [ 45, "_36 := algebra.markT(_33= [6054],0@0);" ] [ 7, "_37 := bat.reverse(_36= [6054]);" ] [ 8, "_33 := nil;" ] [ 9, "_36 := nil;" ] [ 17917, "_38 := algebra.join(_37= [6054],_31= :bat[:oid,:wrd][362105182]);" ] [ 1283903, "_31 := nil;" ] [ 1314255, "_39 := algebra.joinPath(_37= [6054],_30= [362105182],_16= [365652137]);" ] [ 1314255, "_40 := algebra.joinPath(_37= [6054],_30= [362105182],_27= [365652137]);" ] [ 67, "_37 := nil;" ] [ 967626, "_27 := nil;" ] [ 1205150, "_16 := nil;" ] [ 1360389, "_30 := nil;" ] [ 28, "_41 := sql.resultSet(3,1,_38= [6054]);" ] [ 10, "sql.rsColumn(_41=32,"sys.way_nds","L6","wrd",32,0,_38= [6054]);" ] [ 7, "_38 := nil;" ] [ 6, "sql.rsColumn(_41=32,"sys.way_nds","way","int",32,0,_39= [6054]);" ] [ 2, "_39 := nil;" ] [ 5, "sql.rsColumn(_41=32,"sys.way_nds","to_node","int",32,0,_40= [6054]);" ] [ 2, "_40 := nil;" ] [ 2, "_51 := io.stdout();" ] [ 12489, "sql.exportResult(_51=27443088,_41=32);" ] [ 2, "end s27_1;" ] Stefan
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-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |