Hi Michael, Thank you for your interest in MonetDB. Since I'm not involved with the core MonetDB development, I forward this email to the monetdb-developers list. I'm sure the guys over there will be able to help you. All the best, Marcin Michael Yang wrote:
Hi Marcin,
I saw that you're one of Peter's PhD students. I just got introduced to MonetDB as a possible column-store solution for some time series I work with. I'm in financial mathematics here at Princeton in the Operations Research department.
I am a heavy user of MS SQL Server and I use aggregate ranking functions a lot - row_number(), rank(), etc. Could you give me a rough estimate as to when MonetDB might add support for these functions - LEAD(), LAG(), and X() over (partition by ... order by ...). I see that it's in the development plan, but will it take 1 year? 1 month? many years?
Also, in the meantime is there a way you know to emulate these aggregate functions using local variables in monetdb?
thanks, Michael Yang
Princeton University Operations Research and Financial Engineering