I have also been puzzled at times with svn as to what had actually happened. It does however seem like when you read the manual, you do find the answer. A nice feature of svn is that it can serve over http(s), so we could in principle decide later to host the svn repository at CWI without having to go through the CWI cvs support (which is somewhat complicated with many unknown users). Arjen | On 06-04-2006 09:12:23 +0200, Niels Nes wrote: | > On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 07:51:59AM +0200, p.a.boncz@chello.nl wrote: | > > No, if we can migrate the history.. | > | > history migrating is indeed posible. Subversion has as goal to be a better | > CVS and become a CVS replacement. Thats why migration from CVS to svn should | > be relatively pain free. | | What bothers me of SVN is that the client appears to be deliberately | less verbose than CVS's. It doesn't tell which files it doesn't know | about, it doesn't tell what files are modified, and it doesn't tell | there are conflicts (as far as I am aware). Also, SVN is EXTREMELY | stupid when updating; if it encounters something it can't cope with | (like an already existing file) it just terminates at that point, | leaving you with a partially updated tree, giving you the same problems | more or less as when a cp fails somewhere in the middle. CVS would just | continue and produce a warning like "Move X: it is in the way". All in | all, the SVN client tool just feels like being a lot more clumpsy than | CVS's client tool to me. | | Shouldn't be a show stopper though, as we will win for "svn diff" | performance a lot (they are done using local files, not contacting the | server), and finally being able to rename and move whole branches while | retaining history. | | Once converted, the CVS repo will not be updated by changes in the SVN | repo. I think that's fairly important to know. | | | ------------------------------------------------------- | This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language | that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast | and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding territory! | http://sel.as-us.falkag.net/sel?cmd=lnk&kid=110944&bid=241720&dat=121642 | _______________________________________________ | Monetdb-developers mailing list | Monetdb-developers@lists.sourceforge.net | https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/monetdb-developers |