On 31-03-2006 09:47:28 +0200, Niels Nes wrote:
MonetDB developers
Sourceforge cvs has serious problems (my guess is their raid system is broken and no spare is available). This (again) raises the question if sourceforge is the appropriate place for our cvs repository. Does anybody have better experiences with other sites like sourceforge?
Ehmm... Well, judged on my Gentoo experience the following: While sourceforge is a "bitch", slow and horrific, it is heavenly in comparison to projects like berlios.de. The latter one is run on a single machine, and sometimes down for weeks. Also, the admins of berlios sometimes change critical things, such as their download system causing digests always to fail. Also the "leakage" of the DES password file is still 'clear in mind'. Savannah/GNA recently changed their CVS to SVN causing lots of work for anyone using the software hosted there, everything moved and changed hosts. The speed of GNA isn't that bad for webpages and anonymous SVN access, but I think it by no means has the same "load" as SourceForge. So, basically, SourceForge has a relatively large infrastructure, many download mirrors, and just an icky CVS repo. Not great, and it can be much worse. In the end, it's all for free. Personally, I would like to do what many large projects seem to do: move the CVS/SVN/Arch whatever to some self-hosted server, for speed and backup-ability. Apart from that, I don't really like SF's bug system, but judging from Berlios... it can be much worse. GNA seems to have on-site daily snapshots, and repository backups... but it's French.