Lets say this is a fix for the problem that indexing collections was much too slow compared with the normal pathfinder performance. It does not change anything structurally within pftijah it only adds an extra capability to stem terms a lot faster and we would like to have this release a.s.a.p. On Wednesday 21 February 2007 10:52, Sjoerd Mullender wrote:
Is this a bug fix or a new feature?
On 2007-02-21 10:47, Jan Flokstra wrote:
Update of /cvsroot/monetdb/pathfinder/modules/pftijah In directory sc8-pr-cvs7.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv590
Modified Files: Tag: XQuery_0-16 Makefile.ag pftijah_stem.mx Added Files: Tag: XQuery_0-16 porter_dutch.c porter_dutch.h porter_eng.c porter_eng.h Log Message: - add 2 new stemmers:
porter-english porter-dutch
The 2 new stemmers are handcrafted and not generated like the snowball stemmers. First tests indicate they are much faster and indexing time is speedup 25%
--- NEW FILE: porter_dutch.c --- /************************************************************************ ***** UPLIFT
This file contains a version of Porter's algorithm for DUTCH based on the implementation by Frakes (see below).
The code is a result of the UPLIFT project (Utrecht Project: Linguistic Information for Free Text Retrieval) and is based on the joint efforts of Renee Pohlmann and Wessel Kraaij.
Research Institute for Language and Speech, Utrecht University 1994.
Copyright (C) 1995 Wessel Kraaij & Renee Pohlmann
email: Wessel.Kraaij@let.ruu.nl Renee.C.Pohlmann@let.ru.nl
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either [...984 lines suppressed...] rule = ReplaceSuffix( word, step1c_rules ); rule = ReplaceInfix( word, step1b_rules ); if (rule > 0) cleanup = 1; if ( (502 == rule) ) rule = ReplaceSuffix( word, step1c_rules ); rule = ReplaceSuffix( word, step7_rules); if (rule > 0) cleanup = 1; if ( (cleanup == 1) ) (void)ReplaceSuffix( word, step6_rules );
/* Part 3: Return an indication of successful stemming */
return( TRUE );
} /* Stem */
--- NEW FILE: porter_dutch.h ---
/******************************* stem.h ***********************************
Purpose: Header file for a version of Porter's algorithm for DUTCH based on the implementation by Frakes as documented in: Porter, M.F., "An Algorithm For Suffix Stripping," Program 14 (3), July 1980, pp. 130-137
The code is a result of the UPLIFT project (Utrecht Project: Linguistic Information for Free Text Retrieval) and is based on the joint efforts of Renee Pohlmann and Wessel Kraaij.
Research Institute for Language and Speech, Utrecht University 1994.
Copyright (C) 1995 Wessel Kraaij & Renee Pohlmann
email: Wessel.Kraaij@let.ruu.nl Renee.C.Pohlmann@let.ru.nl
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef DSTEM_H #define DSTEM_H
/************************************************************************ ******/ /**************************** Public Routines *****************************/
#ifdef __STDC__
extern int dStem( char *word ); /* returns: 1 --> non-word containing numbers and hyphens, not stemmed e.g. 12-5-1995 2 --> word was not changed, e.g. 'loop' --> 'loop' 3 --> word was changed */
extern int Stem();
--- NEW FILE: porter_eng.c --- /******************************* stem.c ***********************************
Purpose: Implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm documented in: Porter, M.F., "An Algorithm For Suffix Stripping," Program 14 (3), July 1980, pp. 130-137.
Provenance: Written by B. Frakes and C. Cox, 1986. Changed by C. Fox, 1990. - made measure function a DFA - restructured structs - renamed functions and variables - restricted function and variable scopes Changed by C. Fox, July, 1991. - added ANSI C declarations - branch tested to 90% coverage Changed by Arjen P. de Vries, March, 1996 - fixed mismatch between prototype and function - removed unnecessary includes
Notes: This code will make little sense without the the Porter article. The stemming function converts its input to lower case. **/
/************************ Standard Include Files *************************/
#include /************************************************************************ *****/ /***************** Private Defines and Data Structures *******************/
#include "porter_eng.h"
#define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define EOS '\0'
#define IsVowel(c) ('a'==(c)||'e'==(c)||'i'==(c)||'o'==(c)||'u'==(c))
typedef struct { int id; /* returned if rule fired */ char *old_end; /* suffix replaced */ char *new_end; /* suffix replacement */ int old_offset; /* from end of word to start of suffix */ int new_offset; /* from beginning to end of new suffix */ int min_root_size; /* min root word size for replacement */ int (*condition)(); /* the replacement test function */ } RuleList;
static char LAMBDA[1] = ""; /* the constant empty string */ static char *end; /* pointer to the end of the word */
/************************************************************************ *****/ /******************** Private Function Declarations **********************/
#ifdef __STDC__
static int WordSize( char *word ); static int ContainsVowel( char *word ); static int EndsWithCVC( char *word ); static int AddAnE( char *word ); static int RemoveAnE( char *word ); static int ReplaceEnd( char *word, RuleList *rule );
static int WordSize( /* word */ ); static int ContainsVowel( /* word */ ); static int EndsWithCVC( /* word */ ); static int AddAnE( /* word */ ); static int RemoveAnE( /* word */ ); static int ReplaceEnd( /* word, rule */ );
/************************************************************************ ******/ /***************** Initialized Private Data Structures ********************/
static RuleList step1a_rules[] = { {101, "sses", "ss", 3, 1, -1, NULL}, {102, "ies", "i", 2, 0, -1, NULL}, {103, "ss", "ss", 1, 1, -1, NULL}, {104, "s", LAMBDA, 0, -1, -1, NULL}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step1b_rules[] = { {105, "eed", "ee", 2, 1, 0, NULL}, {106, "ed", LAMBDA, 1, -1, -1, ContainsVowel}, {107, "ing", LAMBDA, 2, -1, -1, ContainsVowel}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step1b1_rules[] = { {108, "at", "ate", 1, 2, -1, NULL}, {109, "bl", "ble", 1, 2, -1, NULL}, {110, "iz", "ize", 1, 2, -1, NULL}, {111, "bb", "b", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {112, "dd", "d", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {113, "ff", "f", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {114, "gg", "g", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {115, "mm", "m", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {116, "nn", "n", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {117, "pp", "p", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {118, "rr", "r", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {119, "tt", "t", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {120, "ww", "w", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {121, "xx", "x", 1, 0, -1, NULL}, {122, LAMBDA, "e", -1, 0, -1, AddAnE}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step1c_rules[] = { {123, "y", "i", 0, 0, -1, ContainsVowel}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step2_rules[] = { {203, "ational", "ate", 6, 2, 0, NULL}, {204, "tional", "tion", 5, 3, 0, NULL}, {205, "enci", "ence", 3, 3, 0, NULL}, {206, "anci", "ance", 3, 3, 0, NULL}, {207, "izer", "ize", 3, 2, 0, NULL}, {208, "abli", "able", 3, 3, 0, NULL}, {209, "alli", "al", 3, 1, 0, NULL}, {210, "entli", "ent", 4, 2, 0, NULL}, {211, "eli", "e", 2, 0, 0, NULL}, {213, "ousli", "ous", 4, 2, 0, NULL}, {214, "ization", "ize", 6, 2, 0, NULL}, {215, "ation", "ate", 4, 2, 0, NULL}, {216, "ator", "ate", 3, 2, 0, NULL}, {217, "alism", "al", 4, 1, 0, NULL}, {218, "iveness", "ive", 6, 2, 0, NULL}, {219, "fulnes", "ful", 5, 2, 0, NULL}, {220, "ousness", "ous", 6, 2, 0, NULL}, {221, "aliti", "al", 4, 1, 0, NULL}, {222, "iviti", "ive", 4, 2, 0, NULL}, {223, "biliti", "ble", 5, 2, 0, NULL}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step3_rules[] = { {301, "icate", "ic", 4, 1, 0, NULL}, {302, "ative", LAMBDA, 4, -1, 0, NULL}, {303, "alize", "al", 4, 1, 0, NULL}, {304, "iciti", "ic", 4, 1, 0, NULL}, {305, "ical", "ic", 3, 1, 0, NULL}, {308, "ful", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 0, NULL}, {309, "ness", LAMBDA, 3, -1, 0, NULL}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step4_rules[] = { {401, "al", LAMBDA, 1, -1, 1, NULL}, {402, "ance", LAMBDA, 3, -1, 1, NULL}, {403, "ence", LAMBDA, 3, -1, 1, NULL}, {405, "er", LAMBDA, 1, -1, 1, NULL}, {406, "ic", LAMBDA, 1, -1, 1, NULL}, {407, "able", LAMBDA, 3, -1, 1, NULL}, {408, "ible", LAMBDA, 3, -1, 1, NULL}, {409, "ant", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {410, "ement", LAMBDA, 4, -1, 1, NULL}, {411, "ment", LAMBDA, 3, -1, 1, NULL}, {412, "ent", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {423, "sion", "s", 3, 0, 1, NULL}, {424, "tion", "t", 3, 0, 1, NULL}, {415, "ou", LAMBDA, 1, -1, 1, NULL}, {416, "ism", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {417, "ate", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {418, "iti", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {419, "ous", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {420, "ive", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {421, "ize", LAMBDA, 2, -1, 1, NULL}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step5a_rules[] = { {501, "e", LAMBDA, 0, -1, 1, NULL}, {502, "e", LAMBDA, 0, -1, -1, RemoveAnE}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
static RuleList step5b_rules[] = { {503, "ll", "l", 1, 0, 1, NULL}, {000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} };
/************************************************************************ *****/ /******************** Private Function Declarations **********************/
/*FN********************************************************************* ******
WordSize( word )
Returns: int -- a weird count of word size in adjusted syllables
Purpose: Count syllables in a special way: count the number vowel-consonant pairs in a word, disregarding initial consonants and final vowels. The letter "y" counts as a consonant at the beginning of a word and when it has a vowel in front of it; otherwise (when it follows a consonant) it is treated as a vowel. For example, the WordSize of "cat" is 1, of "any" is 1, of "amount" is 2, of "anything" is 3.
Plan: Run a DFA to compute the word size
Notes: The easiest and fastest way to compute this funny measure is with a finite state machine. The initial state 0 checks the first letter. If it is a vowel, then the machine changes to state 1, which is the "last letter was a vowel" state. If the first letter is a consonant or y, then it changes to state 2, the "last letter was a consonant state". In state 1, a y is treated as a consonant (since it follows a vowel), but in state 2, y is treated as a vowel (since it follows a consonant. The result counter is incremented on the transition from state 1 to state 2, since this transition only occurs after a vowel-consonant pair, which is what we are counting. **/
static int WordSize( word ) char *word; /* in: word having its WordSize taken */ { register int result; /* WordSize of the word */ register int state; /* current state in machine */
result = 0; state = 0;
/* Run a DFA to compute the word size */ while ( EOS != *word ) { switch ( state ) { case 0: state = (IsVowel(*word)) ? 1 : 2; break; case 1: state = (IsVowel(*word)) ? 1 : 2; if ( 2 == state ) result++; break; case 2: state = (IsVowel(*word) || ('y' == *word)) ? 1 : 2; break; } word++; }
return( result );
} /* WordSize */
/*FN********************************************************************* *****
ContainsVowel( word )
Returns: int -- TRUE (1) if the word parameter contains a vowel, FALSE (0) otherwise.
Purpose: Some of the rewrite rules apply only to a root containing a vowel, where a vowel is one of "aeiou" or y with a consonant in front of it.
Plan: Obviously, under the definition of a vowel, a word contains a vowel iff either its first letter is one of "aeiou", or any of its other letters are "aeiouy". The plan is to test this condition.
Notes: None **/
static int ContainsVowel( word ) char *word; /* in: buffer with word checked */ {
if ( EOS == *word ) return( FALSE ); else return( IsVowel(*word) || (NULL != strpbrk(word+1,"aeiouy")) );
} /* ContainsVowel */
/*FN********************************************************************* *****
EndsWithCVC( word )
Returns: int -- TRUE (1) if the current word ends with a consonant-vowel-consonant combination, and the second consonant is not w, x, or y, FALSE (0) otherwise.
Purpose: Some of the rewrite rules apply only to a root with this characteristic.
Plan: Look at the last three characters.
Notes: None **/
static int EndsWithCVC( word ) char *word; /* in: buffer with the word checked */ { int length; /* for finding the last three characters */
if ( (length = strlen(word)) < 2 ) return( FALSE ); else { end = word + length - 1; return( (NULL == strchr("aeiouwxy",*end--)) /* consonant */ && (NULL != strchr("aeiouy", *end--)) /* vowel */ && (NULL == strchr("aeiou", *end )) ); /* consonant */ }
} /* EndsWithCVC */
/*FN********************************************************************* *****
AddAnE( word )
Returns: int -- TRUE (1) if the current word meets special conditions for adding an e.
Purpose: Rule 122 applies only to a root with this characteristic.
Plan: Check for size of 1 and a consonant-vowel-consonant ending.
Notes: None **/
static int AddAnE( word ) char *word; {
return( (1 == WordSize(word)) && EndsWithCVC(word) );
} /* AddAnE */
/*FN********************************************************************* *****
RemoveAnE( word )
Returns: int -- TRUE (1) if the current word meets special conditions for removing an e.
Purpose: Rule 502 applies only to a root with this characteristic.
Plan: Check for size of 1 and no consonant-vowel-consonant ending.
Notes: None **/
static int RemoveAnE( word ) char *word; {
return( (1 == WordSize(word)) && !EndsWithCVC(word) );
} /* RemoveAnE */
/*FN********************************************************************* *****
ReplaceEnd( word, rule )
Returns: int -- the id for the rule fired, 0 is none is fired
Purpose: Apply a set of rules to replace the suffix of a word
Plan: Loop through the rule set until a match meeting all conditions is found. If a rule fires, return its id, otherwise return 0. Connditions on the length of the root are checked as part of this function's processing because this check is so often made.
Notes: This is the main routine driving the stemmer. It goes through a set of suffix replacement rules looking for a match on the current suffix. When it finds one, if the root of the word is long enough, and it meets whatever other conditions are required, then the suffix is replaced, and the function returns. **/
static int ReplaceEnd( word, rule ) char *word; /* in/out: buffer with the stemmed word */ RuleList *rule; /* in: data structure with replacement rules */ { register char *ending; /* set to start of possible stemmed suffix */ char tmp_ch; /* save replaced character when testing */
while ( 0 != rule->id ) { ending = end - rule->old_offset; if ( word <= ending ) if ( 0 == strcmp(ending,rule->old_end) ) { tmp_ch = *ending; *ending = EOS; if ( rule->min_root_size < WordSize(word) ) if ( !rule->condition || (*rule->condition)(word) ) { (void)strcat( word, rule->new_end ); end = ending + rule->new_offset; break; } *ending = tmp_ch; } rule++; }
return( rule->id );
} /* ReplaceEnd */
/************************************************************************ *****/ /********************* Public Function Declarations **********************/
/*FN********************************************************************* ******
Stem( word )
Returns: int -- FALSE (0) if the word contains non-alphabetic characters and hence is not stemmed, TRUE (1) otherwise
Purpose: Stem a word
Plan: Part 1: Check to ensure the word is all alphabetic Part 2: Run through the Porter algorithm Part 3: Return an indication of successful stemming
Notes: This function implements the Porter stemming algorithm, with a few additions here and there. See:
Porter, M.F., "An Algorithm For Suffix Stripping," Program 14 (3), July 1980, pp. 130-137.
Porter's algorithm is an ad hoc set of rewrite rules with various conditions on rule firing. The terminology of "step 1a" and so on, is taken directly from Porter's article, which unfortunately gives almost no justification for the various steps. Thus this function more or less faithfully refects the opaque presentation in the article. Changes from the article amount to a few additions to the rewrite rules; these are marked in the RuleList data structures with comments. **/
int Stem( word ) char *word; /* in/out: the word stemmed */ { int rule; /* which rule is fired in replacing an end */
/* Part 1: Check to ensure the word is all alphabetic */ for ( end = word; *end != EOS; end++ ) if ( !isalpha(*end) ) return( FALSE ); else *end = tolower( *end ); end--;
/* Part 2: Run through the Porter algorithm */ (void)ReplaceEnd( word, step1a_rules ); rule = ReplaceEnd( word, step1b_rules ); if ( (106 == rule) || (107 == rule) ) (void)ReplaceEnd( word, step1b1_rules ); (void)ReplaceEnd( word, step1c_rules );
(void)ReplaceEnd( word, step2_rules );
(void)ReplaceEnd( word, step3_rules );
(void)ReplaceEnd( word, step4_rules );
(void)ReplaceEnd( word, step5a_rules ); (void)ReplaceEnd( word, step5b_rules );
/* Part 3: Return an indication of successful stemming */ return( TRUE );
} /* Stem */
Index: Makefile.ag =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/monetdb/pathfinder/modules/pftijah/Makefile.ag,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -u -d -r1.16.2.2 -r1.16.2.3 --- Makefile.ag 24 Jan 2007 23:12:28 -0000 +++ Makefile.ag 21 Feb 2007 09:47:09 -0000 @@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ stem_UTF_8_english.c \ stem_UTF_8_porter.h \ stem_UTF_8_porter.c \ + porter_eng.h \ + porter_eng.c \ + porter_dutch.h \ + porter_dutch.c \ pftijah_tokenize.l \ pftijah_util.mx \ serialize_pftijah.mx \
Index: pftijah_stem.mx =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/monetdb/pathfinder/modules/pftijah/pftijah_stem.mx,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -u -d -r1.11.2.1 -r1.11.2.2 --- pftijah_stem.mx 5 Feb 2007 08:05:08 -0000 +++ pftijah_stem.mx 21 Feb 2007 09:47:09 -0000 @@ -628,6 +628,78 @@ static tjStemCtx snb_dutch = { "snowball-dutch", snb_dutch_init, snb_dutch_stem, snb_dutch_clear, NULL , NULL_STOPWORDS };
/* + * + * a fast porter stemmer experiment + * + */ + +#include "porter_eng.h" + +static int porter_english_init(void* ctx, char* s) { + (void)ctx; + (void)s; + return 1; +} + +static const char* porter_english_stem(void* ctx, const char* s) { + (void)ctx; +#ifdef STEMMING_DEBUG + stream_printf(GDKout,"+ stem-porter_english(%s)=",s); +#endif + if ( Stem( s ) ) { +#ifdef STEMMING_DEBUG + stream_printf(GDKout,"\"%s\"\n",s); +#endif + return s; + } else { +#ifdef STEMMING_DEBUG + stream_printf(GDKout,"\<FAIL>\"%s\"\n",s); +#endif + return s; + } +} + +static int porter_english_clear(void* ctx) { + (void)ctx; + return 1; +} + +static tjStemCtx porter_english = { "porter-english", porter_english_init, porter_english_stem, porter_english_clear, NULL , ENGLISH_STOPWORDS }; + +#include "porter_dutch.h" + +static int porter_dutch_init(void* ctx, char* s) { + (void)ctx; + (void)s; + return 1; +} + +static const char* porter_dutch_stem(void* ctx, const char* s) { + (void)ctx; +#ifdef STEMMING_DEBUG + stream_printf(GDKout,"+ stem-porter_dutch(%s)=",s); +#endif + dStem( s ); +#ifdef STEMMING_DEBUG + stream_printf(GDKout,"\"%s\"\n",s); +#endif + return s; +} + +static int porter_dutch_clear(void* ctx) { + (void)ctx; + return 1; +} + +static tjStemCtx porter_dutch = { "porter-dutch", porter_dutch_init, porter_dutch_stem, porter_dutch_clear, NULL , NULL_STOPWORDS }; + +/* + * + * end of fast porter stemmer experiment + * + */ + +/* * The getStemmingContext() function is the extern function called to get * the stemming context. */ @@ -648,6 +720,10 @@ res = & snb_english; else if ( strcmp(name,"snowball-dutch")==0 ) res = & snb_dutch; + else if ( strcmp(name,"porter-english")==0 ) + res = & porter_english; + else if ( strcmp(name,"porter-dutch")==0 ) + res = & porter_dutch; else { stream_printf(GDKerr,"# WARNING: stemmer \"%s\" unknown, using nostemming\n",name); res = & nostemming;
--- NEW FILE: porter_eng.h ---
/******************************* stem.h ***********************************
Purpose: Header file for an implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm.
Notes: This module implemnts a fast stemming function whose results are about as good as any other. **/
#ifndef STEM_H #define STEM_H
/************************************************************************ ******/ /**************************** Public Routines *****************************/
#ifdef __STDC__
extern int Stem( char *word ); /* returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise */
extern int Stem();
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