Hi all,
I downloaded a copy of the 11.15.7 (Feb2013 SP2) source and compiled and installed it. I also have a copy of the same version of MonetDB installed from elsewhere (I'm not sure where now--sorry).
Now, when I run the "old" version of Monet (the one I didn't just compile) and create a DB (`monetdb create test`), release it, and start it, everything works fine. The log looks likes this:
MSG merovingian[32695]: starting database 'test', up min/avg/max: 0s/0s/0s, crash average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0-0=0)
MSG control[32695]: (local): started 'test'
MSG test[32705]: arguments: /usr/local/bin/mserver5 ...<snip>...
However, when I run with my compiled version (using `configure --program-suffix=-vanilla`), starting a created DB does not call mserver5-vanilla, but rather monetdbd-vanilla, which is the incorrect command, and thus the database cannot start. (If I manually run mserver5-vanilla, it works fine.) The log looks like this:
MSG merovingian[2616]: starting database 'test', up min/avg/max: 0s/0s/0s, crash average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0-0=0)
MSG test[2625]: arguments: /usr/local/bin/monetdbd-vanilla ...<snip>...
MSG test[2625]: usage: monetdbd [ command [ command-options ] ] <dbfarm>
MSG test[2625]: where command is one of:
MSG test[2625]: create, start, stop, get, set, version or help
MSG test[2625]: use the help command to get help for a particular command
MSG test[2625]: The dbfarm to operate on must always be given to
MSG test[2625]: monetdbd explicitly.
ERR test[2625]: monetdbd: unknown command: --dbpath=/home/breilly/db/farm-vanilla/test
MSG merovingian[2616]: database 'test' (2625) has exited with exit status 1
ERR control[2616]: (local): failed to fork mserver: database 'test' appears to shut itself down after starting, check monetdbd's logfile for possible hints
I tried just now to compile without the suffix, but in a different directory (i.e. `configure --prefix=$HOME/apps`), and it worked fine, as with the first version above. I'm not sure why the one with the suffix fails in the way it does: it's not like it tries to find "mserver5" (without the suffix) and fails. Instead, it successfully finds a real command with the suffix, but it's the wrong one.
I have also tried simply symlinking to my suffixed program with non-suffixed name (i.e. `ln -s $HOME/apps/bin/monetdbd-vanilla $HOME/apps/bin/monetdb`, for each of monetdbd, monetdb, mclient, and mserver5), and this also works. However, it does not run the correct version of mserver5: it runs /usr/local/bin/mserver5, rather than my local copy at $HOME/apps/bin/mserver5. Is there some environment variable that I'm not setting correctly? ($HOME/apps/bin is in my PATH).
Please let me know if there is any more information that I can provide for you. Thanks in advance for your help.
Ben Reilly