I have a RESTful web service that stores its information in MonetDB. I have to run in a Java 1.6 environment. The latest version of the jdbc driver says that it is for both 1.6 and 1.7. I'm getting the dependency resolved through maven using the clojars repository * <repository>* * <id>monetdb</id>* * <url>http://repository.pentaho.org/artifactory/repo</url>* * <snapshots>* * <enabled>false</enabled>* * </snapshots>* * </repository>* My dependency block looks like this: * <dependency>* * <groupId>monetdb</groupId>* * <artifactId>monetdb-jdbc</artifactId>* * <version>2.9</version>* * </dependency>* Everything worked when I was running v2.8 and getting my dependency resolved from the pentaho repository, but when I get the dependency from clojars, I get the following error: *java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/MonetDriver : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0* * * Two questions: 1. Should the 2.9 version work under Java 1.6? 2. Is there some setting I need to put in my pom.xml file so that it runs in "1.6 compatibility mode" or something? Thanks, Casey Gum