I start the mserver with the following command: ./mserver5 --set embedded=yes --dbinit="include sql;" & mclient connection is refused. The I decided to set the mapi_port: --set mapi_port=50000 & Mclient connection is again refused for port 50000: [goncalve@amelia bin]$ mclient -lsql !ERROR mapi_reconnect: connect: Connection refused Setup connection failed [goncalve@amelia bin]$ and for port 33177 isn't: [goncalve@amelia bin]$ mclient -lsql -P33177 User (goncalve): [goncalve@amelia bin]$ As you can see the above example the user used for the connection is goncalve and not monetdb. Why the default user is not monetdb? And why this port? This example (the first command to start mserver) was taken from our web-site... http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Documentation/Embedded-Server.htm... Regards, Romulo