I'm having a problem with the data type of text() nodes in XRPC
module function definition:
module namespace foo = "xrpc-test-function";
declare function foo:q2($strs as xs:string*) as node()*
for $s in $strs
return <bar>{$s}</bar>
test query:
import module namespace test = "xrpc-test-function"
at "/ufs/zhang/max-nr-params/xrpc-mod.xq";
let $hello := <hello>
let $lang := $hello/lang/text()
return execute at {"localhost"} {test:q2($lang)}
I got the error "function could not be resolved" when I run the
XRPC query above. The reason is that all items in the sequence $lang
have the type U_A (xs:untypedAtomic), and they are marshalled in the
XRPC req. msg as, for example: