Sjoerd Mullender wrote:
Update of /cvsroot/monetdb/clients/src/perl In directory sc8-pr-cvs16.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29671/src/perl
Modified Files: Mapi.pm Log Message: propagated changes of Wednesday Sep 10 2008 - Friday Sep 12 2008 from the Clients_1-24 branch to the development trunk
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2008/09/10 - mr-meltdown: src/perl/Mapi.pm, Implemented redirect support in Mapi.pm. While testing I hit the following error which I don't know what it means (let alone how to fix it):
Can't use string ("Xexport 1 100 100") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at Mapi.pm line 352, <> line 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I just noticed this log message. Could the cause be that in Mapi.pm there is one place where the function putblock is called *without* $self-> in front of it, and that is exactly the only occurrence of the string "Xexport" in the complete source? My guess is that unpacking the arguments in the putblock function causes the error message. Can you test this? -- Sjoerd Mullender